3 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Data Selection for TTS: Using Arabic Broadcast News as a Case Study

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    Several high-resource Text to Speech (TTS) systems currently produce natural, well-established human-like speech. In contrast, low-resource languages, including Arabic, have very limited TTS systems due to the lack of resources. We propose a fully unsupervised method for building TTS, including automatic data selection and pre-training/fine-tuning strategies for TTS training, using broadcast news as a case study. We show how careful selection of data, yet smaller amounts, can improve the efficiency of TTS system in generating more natural speech than a system trained on a bigger dataset. We adopt to propose different approaches for the: 1) data: we applied automatic annotations using DNSMOS, automatic vowelization, and automatic speech recognition (ASR) for fixing transcriptions' errors; 2) model: we used transfer learning from high-resource language in TTS model and fine-tuned it with one hour broadcast recording then we used this model to guide a FastSpeech2-based Conformer model for duration. Our objective evaluation shows 3.9% character error rate (CER), while the groundtruth has 1.3% CER. As for the subjective evaluation, where 1 is bad and 5 is excellent, our FastSpeech2-based Conformer model achieved a mean opinion score (MOS) of 4.4 for intelligibility and 4.2 for naturalness, where many annotators recognized the voice of the broadcaster, which proves the effectiveness of our proposed unsupervised method

    LoFT: Local Proxy Fine-tuning For Improving Transferability Of Adversarial Attacks Against Large Language Model

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    It has been shown that Large Language Model (LLM) alignments can be circumvented by appending specially crafted attack suffixes with harmful queries to elicit harmful responses. To conduct attacks against private target models whose characterization is unknown, public models can be used as proxies to fashion the attack, with successful attacks being transferred from public proxies to private target models. The success rate of attack depends on how closely the proxy model approximates the private model. We hypothesize that for attacks to be transferrable, it is sufficient if the proxy can approximate the target model in the neighborhood of the harmful query. Therefore, in this paper, we propose \emph{Local Fine-Tuning (LoFT)}, \textit{i.e.}, fine-tuning proxy models on similar queries that lie in the lexico-semantic neighborhood of harmful queries to decrease the divergence between the proxy and target models. First, we demonstrate three approaches to prompt private target models to obtain similar queries given harmful queries. Next, we obtain data for local fine-tuning by eliciting responses from target models for the generated similar queries. Then, we optimize attack suffixes to generate attack prompts and evaluate the impact of our local fine-tuning on the attack's success rate. Experiments show that local fine-tuning of proxy models improves attack transferability and increases attack success rate by 39%39\%, 7%7\%, and 0.5%0.5\% (absolute) on target models ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude respectively

    Jais and Jais-chat: Arabic-Centric Foundation and Instruction-Tuned Open Generative Large Language Models

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    We introduce Jais and Jais-chat, new state-of-the-art Arabic-centric foundation and instruction-tuned open generative large language models (LLMs). The models are based on the GPT-3 decoder-only architecture and are pretrained on a mixture of Arabic and English texts, including source code in various programming languages. With 13 billion parameters, they demonstrate better knowledge and reasoning capabilities in Arabic than any existing open Arabic and multilingual models by a sizable margin, based on extensive evaluation. Moreover, the models are competitive in English compared to English-centric open models of similar size, despite being trained on much less English data. We provide a detailed description of the training, the tuning, the safety alignment, and the evaluation of the models. We release two open versions of the model -- the foundation Jais model, and an instruction-tuned Jais-chat variant -- with the aim of promoting research on Arabic LLMs. Available at https://huggingface.co/inception-mbzuai/jais-13b-chatComment: Arabic-centric, foundation model, large-language model, LLM, generative model, instruction-tuned, Jais, Jais-cha